Below you will find a complete list of all the book reviews Malcolm Torres has posted to Good Reads that also have a no-spoiler video book review on the Sea Stories and Science Fiction YouTube Channel.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Don't believe all the hateful reviews of this book here on Goodreads. This is a wonderful read if you like salty sea stories. Watch my no-spoiler video book review of Pirate Latitudes on YouTube by clicking here. If you are looking for a guaranteed blockbuster novel packed with salty characters, swashbuckling adventure, thrills, crime, murder and hot romance, then read PIRATE LATITUDES by Michael Crichton. He has written dozens of best-selling novels many of which have been made into major motion pictures, including The Andromeda Strain, Jurassic Park, Sphere and Terminal Man. Crichton has been the creative genius behind numerous documentaries and TV miniseries including ER and Westworld. Regarding all the bad reviews on here, I simply can't understand why people finish reading a book that they think is worth 2-stars! Furthermore, spending hours reading hundreds of pages of a book you don't like, then when you are done reading it, you waste more of your precious time logging onto Goodreads and writing a cruddy review. Hello. Life is too short to read and review books you don't like. Here's a tip for all the haters: Stop reading after the first chapter or two, return to the bookstore and find something you enjoy. :~)
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Watch my no-spoiler video book review on YouTube by clicking here.
Throughout his story, TRANSFORMED, Remi Adeleke demonstrates his passion, tenacity, and especially his ability to set goals and not give up even when faced with incredible challenges. The cool thing about Remi right now is that this autobiography, though it’s amazing, is only the first few chapters in his life. He is currently breaking into Hollywood in a huge way by script writing, acting and directing. If his future is anything like his past we are in for a exciting ride. He’s got a contract to write some espionage thriller novels and has signed on recently to some major movie projects.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Watch my video book review for Sir Gwain and the Green Knight on my YouTube channel.
Originally published in the 1300s Sir Gwain and the Green Knight has been translated and updated into modern English and produced several times into major motion pictures, the latest of which stars Dev Patel with David Lowry directing. The story starts out with Sir Gwain who is the nephew of King Arthur. We are in Camelot, it’s around Christmas time and there’s a big feast. Dev Patel, who plays Sir Gwain, the main character is a young man who likes to chase girls and get drunk. He's among the legends of the round table, and he's about to be challenged!
The are two plot lines in the story, the first is what's was called a beheading game and the second is an the exchange winnings. These are both medieval literary plots that would have been well know to the affluent members of King Arthur’s court and his Knights of the Round Table. It's very helpful to read the book before seeing the movie and read the Wikipedia page to get some context. The book is only about 55 pages, written in alliterative verse. I recommend reading the version translated from the olde English by Marie Borroff in the 1960. This is one of the greatest masterpieces every written in the English language, and it’s full of beautiful dialog and imagery, courtly manners, feasting, several smaller stories set within the main story. There's a good deal of violence, adventure, a coming of age quest, hunting, bawdy double entendres, and deep insights into life in 1300s England.
The movie stays true to the book’s plot but does take some liberty (to good effect) by emphasizing the supernatural and sexual elements, and of course beautiful cinematic technique. I highly recommend this book and movie combo.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Watch my no-spoiler video book review for Lives of the Monster Dogs on my YouTube channel here.
Lives of the Monster Dogs, published in 1997, by author Kirsten Bakis, won the Bram Stoker award for best first novel and has been attracting rabid SciFi fans ever since. Who would’ve thought that this perfect blend of dogs and science fiction would make for such a great book? But it’s not just the walking, talking, 10-fingered canines who populate the story that account for the book’s success, the perfect writing and an accessible main character combine to make the story so enjoyable to read. This tale perfectly weaves its way from a remote Eastern European village where a Doctor-Frankenstein-like mad man is creating dogs with his unique and freaky steampunk bionic technology, and continues to a remote Canadian village where the European doctor’s descendants perfect the monster dogs with plans to exploit them as super soldiers. Of coarse the dogs overthrow their masters and claim their considerable wealth. The dogs, whose natural sensibility, it turns out, is classy and sophisticated, head for New York City aboard private jets where they check into fine hotels. The entire world falls in love with them … and from there the story only gets weirder and better until it reaches its climax and conclusion. Sadly the author, Kirsten Bakis, has not published another book since she penned Lives of the Monster Dogs in the 1990s, but the good news is there are rumors she’ll be publishing something in the near future.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Andrea Pitzer, the author of Icebound Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World, demonstrates her considerable talent at researching and writing with this instant classic about the history of navigation and arctic survival. In this review I set the context for this salty tale that took place in the 1590s, during the great age of global exploration. Dutch sea captain William Barents rallies wealthy merchants, ship owners and sailors to explore the northern reaches of the arctic ocean in an attempt to find a trade route over the top of the world to Asia and India. But as we know from looking back at history this proves to be a fool’s errand. In three attempts Barents discovers only massive ice fields, icebergs, desolate islands, freezing winds and hungry polar bears. Read this story for a fascinating look back at the history of navigation and the original tale of arctic survival.
If you are like me, constantly on the prowl for good sea stories and science fiction, friend me here on Goodreads and leave a comment below. Check out the Sea Stories and Science Fiction Podcast hosted by me, Malcolm Torres, and keep the conversation going by joining me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @seastoriesandsciencefiction. Thank You!

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
In the 1950s, before going on to write several of the greatest literary masterpieces of the 1900s, Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez was a reporter at El Espectador, a newspaper in Bogota, Columbia, where he wrote a series of articles about a shipwrecked sailor. Years later, after Garcia Marquez achieved world fame, the articles were published as an instant classic entitled The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor. Watch my no-spoiler video book review of this sea story and literary classic on my YouTube channel: Sea Stories and Science Fiction.

Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells is a multi-award winning, best-selling series of four short novels which includes All Systems Red, Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol and Exit Strategy. Watch this no spoiler video review and you’ll be convinced to read this excellent future SciFi crime thriller. In addition to these four-books, which have an overarching story line, Wells has expanded it with a stand-alone novel, Network Effect, and a short story Fugitive Telemetry. Be warned, if you read these you'll be like many other readers who have said "I love murderbot." And the good news is, according to the press, Martha Wells is under contract with Tordotcom to write several more books in the Murderbot series.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Scott Sigler is the longest running author to be podcasting his novels and short stories for free. Beginning back in the early 2000s when podcasts were brand new, Sigler began dropping weekly episodes on the Apple Podcast App. A rabid fan base of self-proclaimed “junkies” developed quickly in those pre-Twitter days. Sigler got his thousands of fans addicted to his action packed SciFi-fi, high tech, horror and crime novels. So many wanted more that his books began landing on The NY Times bestseller list. Fifteen plus years later Sigler is still going strong with weekly releases of his latest novel episodes and stories.
In my video review linked below, I get in the way back machine and discuss my experience listening to Sigler years ago. I also delve into the connections between his podcast and novel writing style. If you are commuting, jogging, taking hikes or just laying around on the couch, I highly recommend that you go back and listen to Scott Sigler‘s early novels on his podcast specially Earth Core, Ancestor, Ncturnal and Infected. You’ll love them so much you’ll wanna go by the books so you can have them on the shelf. And keep rolling into his latest novels and stories. In other words, you’ll become a junkie too.
Watch my no-spoiler video book review for Infected by Scott Sigler.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Cherry by Nico Walker is a novel that has been adapted by Apple TV into a new movie. Both the book and the movie are jam packed with the horrors of drug abuse, war, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and armed robbery all set against a backdrop of twenty-something romance. As a reader of the novel or a viewer of the movie, you feel you are looking into the details of a life that is rapidly spinning out of control. From a somewhat normal late teen crush, to Army service in Iraq the story illustrates the course of so many young people who came of age in the early 2000s. Coming home from the war to a full blown OxyContin / Heroin addiction epidemic plaguing the US, the story paints the picture of a society gone wrong onto the day-to-day life of one young couple. Look beyond the book and movie and you’ll find it’s a mostly true story. The author, Nico Walker, is a young guy who grew up in Cleveland Ohio, served in Iraq, came home, suffered from PTSD, got addicted to drugs, robbed banks and is now in jail for armed bank robbery.
Watch my no-spoiler YouTube review for Cherry (the book and the movie).
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Hugh Howie perfectly applies the sea story elements of the classic ‘lighthouse keeper’ yarn to this far-future, deep-space action thriller. Beacon 23 takes you to the galaxy’s furthest reaches and puts you inside a tin can with a war veteran who suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. The beacon is floating at a junction where massive space cargo ships come out of warp drive, and the keeper is worried that warring aliens may be infiltrating the sector or is it just his flashbacks to horrific combat missions.
Watch my no-spoiler YouTube review for Beacon 23 by Hugh Howie
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
As a complete and total nut for sea stories, it's surprising that it took me 35 years to read this book. I saw the book in the book store and on line dozens of times, but for some odd reason I always put it back on the shelf and decided not to read it ... yet. When covid hit, being stuck at home, I finally decided time had come to read this excellent sea story.
Watch my no-spoiler YouTube review for Adrift by Steven Callahan
Read my blog post on why it took me 35 years to finally read this book.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Devil in the Dark Water is a murder mystery with all the moving parts and precision of a fine Swiss watch. Set in 1634 aboard a sailing ship on a stormy high seas voyage from Batavia to Amsterdam.
Watch my no-spoiler YouTube video review for The Devil in the Dark Water.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
World destroying forces attack NY at the moment the city’s soul is being born, but tough and endearing New Yawkers fight back.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I am ranking SHADOW DIVERS by Robert Kurson as one of the top-5 best sea stories of all time. This book is jam packed from beginning to end with all the things that make up a great sea story.
Watch my no-spoiler YouTube video review for Shadow Divers by Robert Kurson
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Islands in the Sea of Time is a sea story and an epic sci-fi, time travel, adventure novel by S.M. Stirling. A freak meteorological phenomenon takes the Island of Nantucket and the Coast Guard Ship Eagle back in time to the year 1250 BC. While the locals on Nantucket struggle to survive, the Eagle and her crew voyage south to engage with the primitive Toltecs and east across the Atlantic to Bronze Age England. Pulse-pounding action, conflict, romance and several major culture clashes keep the pages turning. I really loved this one and look forward to reading the rest of the series.
Watch my no-spoiler YouTube video review of Islands in the Sea of Time by S.M. Stirling
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A sea story with twists of gothic mystery and romance. This dark yet enchanting graphic novel, written and illustrated by Mark Siegel, is set aboard a paddle wheel steamer on New York’s Hudson River in the late 1800s. Originally published online in weekly installments, it gathered over 850,000 followers and went on to be a New York Times best seller. It features a sea captain, a mermaid and a large cast of fascinating characters. Learn all about paddle wheel steamers, King Neptune, the ancient mysteries of the deep, and late-1800s New York history.
Watch my no-spoiler YouTube video review for SAILOR TWAIN by Mark Siegel
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The only way you have not heard of this book is if you were living under a rock for the past many years. It was a run away best selling sci-fi horror novel and it was turned into a Netflix series that had over 50 million views and starred Sandra Bullock. It now has a sequel called Malorie. The entire time I was reading both books I was whispering OMG and WTF on every page.
Watch my no-spoiler video review for Bird Box and the Sequel Malorie on YouTube.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Another great sea story in the Dan Lenson series by David Poyer. Now Dan Lenson is the Executive Officer aboard a US Navy frigate on station in The Persian Gulf. He’s got his hands full serving under a captain who is burning hot with a personal vendetta against Iran. And, as always in the Dan Lenson book series (THE MED, THE CIRCLE, THE PASSAGE, THE COMMAND, CHINA SEA, and many others) David Poyer weaves in several sub plots involving sailors who are up to no good. Set in the mid-1980s, with the Iran Iraq war raging, The Gulf takes us back to those pre Desert Shield, Desert Storm and Gulf War days when the US Navy tried to keep the shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean open, while operating inside a hornet’s nest of warring oil-rich Arab Nations.
Watch my no-spoiler video book review for THE GULF by David Poyer on YouTube.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
David Poyer has written over 15 action thriller novels featuring Dan Lenson, a United States Navy officer. Each book finds Lenson aboard a different ship and heading into action on the high seas.
In China Sea, Lenson is the skipper aboard an old Knox class frigate that is being sold to Pakistan. Just when you think you know what’s happening in this sea story, the plot shifts into high gear. Lenson leads an almost mutinous crew through monsoons, pirate attacks, disasters at sea and shipwrecks, all while undertaking a top secret mission that breaks every US Navy rule and regulation. Plus there’s murder and intense at-sea combat.
Watch my no-spoiler video book review for David Poyer's CHINA SEA on YouTube
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is an excellent sci-fi, horror, thriller. Solid science, great characters, wonderful writing and an unholy terror 3-miles under ground. After 15-years in print, the author Scott Sigler has written a sequel entitled Mount Fitz Roy that is out now on Audible. You can listen to all of Scott Sigler's books for free on his weekly serialized podcast.
Watch my no-spoiler video review for EARTHCORE by Scott Sigler on YouTube.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Looking for a sci-fi crime thriller? Dark Matter hooked me from the start and pulled me through with likable characters, mind-blowing science (quantum mechanics, travel between parallel dimensions) and faced-paced action. This book was written by the same author (Blake Crouch) who wrote the Wayward Pines novels which were adapted by Fox TV into a sensational miniseries directed by M. Night Shyamalan. A gread book and well worth a read.
Watch my no-spoiler video review for DARK MATTER by Blake Crouch on YouTube
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book by Catherine Steadman checks all the right boxes for me: ✅ Crime ✅ Thriller ✅ Sea Story. Steadman is a skilled actor and author who has the ability to create tension on the page. She also wrote Mr. Nobody and has The Disappearing Act coming out in June 2021.
Watch my no-spoiler video book review for SOMETHING IN THE WATER by Catherine Steadman on YouTube.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This award winning science fiction novel has been adapted into a multi-season series by Netflix. And it's chugging along into season two. This book and Netflix series combo makes it a complete package for Sci-Fi lovers. To begin, the book is dark and sleek set in right-around-the-corner far-future San Francisco. It grabs your attention with very likable characters, mystery, a love story and violence in the first few pages. The characters are so likable that you gladly chase them through a complex plot that spans centuries and several galaxies.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A San Francisco homicide detective uncovers a cult of killers living in the forgotten catacombs beneath the city. Part alternate reality and part police procedural, with really nasty bad guys and swashbuckling good guys. Hard core science fiction, horror & crime fans can listen to Nocturnal as a free serialized podcast at or read it in paperback, hardcover or eBook.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Since El Faro sank in 2015 I've been wondering what happened. I mean seriously, how the hell does a big cargo ship steam into a hurricane and sink ... especially in this high-tech day and age? Lucky for me and all us old salts who care about ships and sailors, Rachel Slade has been wondering what happened to El Faro too. Rachel Slade is a top notch investigative journalist who set her laser-sharp attention on the sinking of El Faro and spent several years finding the answers to all the tough questions.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When it comes to Sea Stories Joseph Conrad is one of the kings, the grand daddies, the true old salts before whom even today's saltiest sailors are nothing more than deckhands. Joseph Conrad is right up there with Jack London, Herman Melville and Homer himself. Conrad was born in Poland, grew up in France and joined the English merchant Navy where he spent several decades working aboard sailing ships trading between Europe, Africa and the Far East during the second half of the 1800s.
Perhaps you've read The Heart of Darkness, Nostromo, Lord Jim, The End of the Tether, Under Western Eyes, The Secret Agent, Victory or Almayer's Folly? Conrad has written several books that are considered to be classics, but his short story YOUTH is my favorite. It's a true sea story from the very first word to the last, complete with adventure, tall tales, a crazy captain, storms, disasters, near mutiny, and a voyage to top all voyages.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
If you're like me you have 30 science fiction novels on your all time top-10 list (LOL). You may ask: "Malcolm, how can you have 30 books on your top-10 list?" And I will answer, "Well, Shipmate, the decimal system allows for an unlimited number of numbers between 0 and 1. So there."
Seriously though, if you have not read Hyperion by Dan Simmons, read it and get ready to say "Move over Enders Game, Snow Crash, Dune, Neuromancer, 2001 Space Odyssey, Fahrenheit 451, The Martian, Starship Troopers, 1984, Infected, Altered Carbon, The Island of Doctor Moreau, Jurassic Park, et al. All y'all gotta move on over because I'm putting Hyperion on this lofty shelf." Hyperion won the 1990 Hugo Award and I've hear rumors it's in development with the SYFY Channel.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Mystery writer Ruth Ware checks all the boxes on my list of requirements for a great sea story: Luxury yacht (check), Gourmet food (check), Free top-shelf liquor (check), Trapped at sea with no cell service (check) and ... Murder (check!). This is a perfect book to cuddle with during the winter in your easy chair or toss it in your beach bag for a summer read at the sea shore. With Ruth Ware, a repeat New York Times best seller, you are in the hands of a murder mystery master.
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