New Sea Story on the Podcast: Peter the Great or A Meeting in the Foretop

New Episode of the Sea Stories and Science Fiction Podcast

Peter the Great

A Meeting in the Foretop

 A comical meeting between English dignitaries and Peter the Great, the Czar of Russia, aboard a ship anchored off Amsterdam.  Be sure to grab a copy of Sixty-Four Days, A Sea Story by Malcolm Torres.  It's free on Apple iBook, Amazon, Smashwords and Barnes & Noble..  Listen on the link below or click here to go to a list of over 25 apps and websites where the Sea Stories and Science Fiction Podcast is available.

This comical tale is from Ocean Adventures published in 1857 by J. Sleeper.  For dozens of sea stories and science fiction tales, go to the Sea Stories and Science Fiction Podcast.

If you like a good sea story, these two are free on:

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